Highland Park trailhead – to NTMWD and back!!

Due to rain and mud, we’ve cancelled the workday!

When: Saturday, January 12
Time: 9 am
Where: Highland Park Trailhead

We will meet at 9am and work our way as far as NTMWD and then back.

We’ll need chainsaws, loppers, weed-whackers, and trash bags.

Time to tackle the Collin Park stretch of the trail

When: Saturday, November 10
Time: 9 am
Where: Collin Park in St. Paul <<<<< NOTE NEW STARTING LOCATION

We will meet at 9am at the entrance gate to Collin Park. We’ll walk to the worksites (by the picnic table and on the trail behind their workshop). There’s a large tree to completely fell, and cut up and lots of trimming, clearing, and picking up on the trail through Collin Park.

We’ll need chainsaws, loppers, weed-whackers, and trash bags.

Help! Trinity Trail Needs Strong Backs!

When: Saturday, October 6
Time: 9 am
Where: Brockdale Park Trailhead in Lucas

We will meet at 9am at the Brockdale Park Trailhead. Plans are to spread rock fill around the Brockdale toilet building to fill in the erosion and sinkage.

Make sure you bring a shovel (and wheelbarrow if you have one), we’ll provide the rock!

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

When: Saturday, September 8
Time: 8 am (to beat the heat)
Where: Brockdale Park Trailhead in Lucas

We will meet at 8am at the Brockdale Park Trailhead. Plans are to work from the Brockdale Park Trailhead, Highland Park Trailhead, and other access points in between to:

  • pick up trash
  • trim branches south from the Highland Park trailhead to the White Rock Creek, especially the cedars encroaching on the trail.
  • trim branches north and south from both trailheads
  • trim and clean storm debris along the Sycamore Loop
  • work on smoothing the trail along washout damage south of Brockdale Park

Make sure you bring water, a hat, appropriate clothing, and perhaps sunscreen – summer is still upon us.

Bringing along a few wheelbarrows and shovels would be appreciated for earth moving.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369, if you are coming and/or if you can bring a tractor and bush hog. Please help if you can.

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

When: Saturday, August 4
Time: 8 am (to beat the heat)
Where: Highland Park Trailhead in Lucas

We will meet at 8am at the Highland Park Trailhead. Plans are to:

  • Mow the trail south from the trailhead to the underpass
  • pick up trash
  • trim branches south from the trailhead to the underpass, especially the cedars encroaching on the trail.

Make sure you bring water, a hat, appropriate clothing, and perhaps sunscreen – summer is upon us.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369 or Duke Monson at 214-422-292, if you are coming and/or if you can bring a tractor and bush hog. Please help if you can.

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

When: Saturday, July 7
Time: 8 am (to beat the heat)
Where: Highland Park Trailhead in Lucas

We will meet at 8am at the Highland Park Trailhead. Plans are to:

  • Mow and weedwhack the trailhead
  • pick up trash
  • trim branches, especially the cedars encroaching on the trail.

Make sure you bring water, a hat, appropriate clothing, and perhaps sunscreen – summer is upon us.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369 if you are coming. Please help if you can.

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

When: Sat 23 June
Time: 8 am (to beat the heat)
Where: East Fork Trailhead in Wylie

We will meet at 8am at the East Fork Trailhead. Plans are to:

  • Mark Trails in the repaired areas
  • pick up trash
  • place signs
  • trim branches, especially the cedars encroaching on the trail.

Make sure you bring water, a hat, appropriate clothing, and perhaps sunscreen – summer is upon us.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369 if you are coming. Please help if you can.

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

Time to prepare the trail for the ACTHA rides on Memorial Day weekend. We’ll be mowing the trail and trailhead, last minute trail clearing, and odds and ends.

We will meet at 8am at the Brockdale Trailhead and work north and south of the trailhead, 3 miles in each direction.

Please make sure you have sturdy work gloves. If you can bring pruners and/or lopers, and some trash bags that would be great.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369 if you are coming. We want to make sure we have enough vehicles to transport people to the work areas. Please help if you can.

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

Trinity Trail has suffered extensive damage to the trail from the recent heavy rains. We are hoping you can come to the workday this Saturday. We really want to get the trails open again. Mother Nature was hard on our trail. If you ride on the trail or want to in the future, please come out and do your part.

We will meet at 9am at the Brockdale Trailhead. You may want to pack a lunch and bring water because we may be out there more than 2 or 3 hours. We will be repairing damage to the trail, pruning, picking up trash, and clearing culverts, both north and south of Brockdale.

Please make sure you have sturdy work gloves. If you can bring pruners and/or lopers, and some trash bags that would be great.

Call Duke at 214-422-2929 or Charlie at 972-824-3369 if you are coming. We want to make sure we have a enough vehicles to transport people to the work areas. Please help if you can.

Updated March 24, 2012

Notice: Storm flood damage has washed out a trench across the Trail about 1.5 miles from the Brockdale Park Trailhead. This trail is CLOSED until the damage can be repaired (perhaps 2 weeks?).

Brockdale Park North trail is also closed due to muddy conditions, but this will likely change once drier conditions have dried things out a bit.

If you have questions, you may contact Charlie Gaines, the Trail Steward.

Gallery Snippets
Heading out Dutch Oven Food line Tom Eberhart, Mike Churchill, Joan Myrthue, and Berdine Eberhart Charlie Gaines on Spirit Out on the trail Riders enjoying the trail