Introduction to Endurance Riding

Saturday November 4, 2023
Brockdale Park Trailhead in Lucas, Texas
8AM to 2 PM

All horses (and mules) and rider levels welcome. This is NOT a race or timed event. Ride at your own pace.
TTPA Members ride FREE! Non-members ride fee is $35 which includes TTPA membership.

Join TTPA for a fun day of riding, food, and prizes!

8 – 8:30 Breakfast and registration. Email your registration ahead of time, to make registration faster for you and other participants.
8:30 – 9 Brief introduction to the fun and safety of Endurance Riding.
9 – 9:30 Demonstration of Endurance pre-ride veterinary exam.
9:30 – 10 Tack up your horse and line up for ride.
10 – 12 Ride a portion of beautiful Trinity Trail. Your choice or 5 or 10 miles.
12 – 12:30 Demonstration of post-ride veterinary exam.
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch, awards, and Q&A. Stay as long as you like to ask questions, or go back out for more riding!

Pre-register to receive additional raffle tickets for great prizes!

In case of rain or muddy trails, come without your horse. We’ll still have fun, prizes, and demonstrations. Covered pavilion. Please bring your own chair.

For more information, and to preregister (name, address, phone #, email, horse’s name) to Noel Freeman, 972-658-8295.

Public Lands Trail Cleanup
Date: Saturday, September 30, 2023
Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: Highland Park Trailhead, Lucas, Texas

TTPA Supporters: This is your opportunity to GIVE BACK to the trail by supporting the Annual Clean Up Day. TTPA needs members to show up to show support and WEAR RED or your TTPA shirt!

The City of Lucas has so kindly sponsored TTPA for the Public Lands Trail Cleanup Day at Highland Park!

This event will celebrate the 30th anniversary of National Public Lands Day.

Since 1994, National Public Lands Day (NPLD) has mobilized volunteers on the fourth Saturday in September to celebrate and care for our nation’s public lands. NPLD is led by the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) in partnership with the National Park Service. Public lands consist of parks, monuments, forests, grasslands, and lakes including Lavon Lake, the Trinity Trail, trailheads, and our parks here in Lucas.
To register as a volunteer for the Public Lands Trail Cleanup, please go to the Lucas City web site URL below to register. Lunch will be provided after the event for registered attendees. All volunteers will be provided free cleanup supplies including safety vests, gloves, trash grabbers and trash bags.

Register here:

Additionally, TTPA President Duke Monson (214-422-2929) needs 2-3 volunteers to help with the check-in desk at the event. Please contact him directly if you can help out.

Please attend and support your trail! TTPA Members please wear your red tee shirt to show support.

NEXT TTPA EVENT – JUNE 17TH @ 10am Highland Park
FARRIER TALK AND DEMO Featuring long time TTPA Member Shannon Cole Veloz

Event Chair: Joan Stanton Phillips
Thank you Shannon and Joan!

Shannon Cole Veloz APF I, ESMT is a farrier, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and PEMF technician. Shannon became a farrier in the summer of 2009 after having problems time after time with farriers for her personal horses. Shannon attended the International Hoof Care Summit each year starting in 2016 through 2023. She is a member of the International Association of Professional Farriers and is certified through the IAPF as level APF-I Modalities – PEMF Therapy; Equine Sports Massage Therapy; and, Kinesiology Taping.
Her goal is to help horses move and feel better and to have beautiful feet.

Contact information for Shannon: 945-333-0963 or email

Please plan to meet her June 17th at Highland Park Trailhead – 10:00am

Just a little too much rain this week and the woods haven’t had a chance to dry out. We’ll reschedule for the end of March.

We’ll meet at Highland Park and go north to the Sycamore to inspect and clear the trail.

NOTE – The weather mid-week looks rainy, so we may cancel at the last minute depending on the trailbed condition (don’t want the Gator stuck in mud). So check the website an FB on Friday night for the status of the workday.

When – 9am, Saturday, March 11, 2023
Where – Highland Park trailhead
What to bring – gloves, water, energy!

TTPA St Patrick’s Day Ride

Saturday 18 March 11 AM at Highland Park Trailhead

Too much rain. See you next month.

We’ll go north from East Fork to trim back the branches.

When – 9am, Saturday, Nov 12, 2022
Where – East Fork trailhead
What to bring – water, gloves, loppers, and energy!

We’ll meet at Highland Park trailhead and go north to inspect and clear the trail

When – 8am, Saturday, Aug 14, 2021
Where – Highland Park trailhead
What to bring – water, long sleeves, loppers

TTPA Tack Sale – 5 June 2021

TTPA 2021 Tack Sale

We’ll go south from Highland Park and work on the trail re-route around Locust Valley

When – 9am, Saturday, May 8, 2021
Where – Highland Park trailhead
What to bring – loppers, gloves, water, long sleeves

The pandemic is still a concern, so we’re canceling the ride. Please enjoy the trail, and keep that social distance.

We are sure that there are many muddy spots on the trail, so be cautious.

Gallery Snippets
Dutch Oven Food line Firepit Jack Gilstrap brushing his horse Mike and Chris TTPATrailer Tracy Matern on the trail