TTPA Chili Ride & Lunch Saturday 1 Feb 2025

Chili Lunch: 12 Noon
Where: Highland Park trailhead, Lucas TX
Date: Saturday 1 Feb 2025
Donation: $5 a person to cover food costs

Join us for the annual Chili ride and membership renewal drive. Sharon Berryman will be making her famous homemade chili.

Feel free to ride before or after the Chili lunch.

Please come out and join your horse friends. Bring a chair and a side dish if you can.

Don’t forget your current Coggins. Pictures of your Coggins on your phone are accepted.

If you are coming, please RSVP to Sharon so we know how much chili to make!

Self Defense on Horseback Clinic

Clinic Taught by Eddie Rodriguez of True Horsemanship Seminars

2 Nov 2024 Update: Rescheduled to Saturday 16 Nov 2024
10 AM
Highland Park Trail Head
1955 Snider Lane, Lucas Texas

TTPA is hosting a Self Defense on Horseback Clinic on Saturday 16 November 2024. The clinic will be taught by Eddie Rodriguez. Eddie has over 40 years of studying from some of the world’s best horseman. He is a popular in-demand clinician so we expect his clinic to fill quickly.

We are announcing this to TTPA members first so they have a chance to sign up before we advertise publicly. We are encouraging all TTPA members to attend the clinic so we can all be safer on the trails.

This clinic will teach you to be more aware on the trail and the trail head. Eddie teaches methods used by mounted police to control a threatening situation. Learn to prevent an attack and defend yourself from a potential assault.

TTPA members and the public can participate in the clinic for $50 a person (This is a special rate to TTPA because we are a non-profit). People have the option of auditing for $25 a person.

Anyone can participate in the clinic you don’t have to be a TTPA member although it is encouraged.

This clinic will fill quickly and has limited room so sign up early. You can use the buttons below to register.



Below is some additional information about Eddie Rodriguez and True Horsemanship Seminars.

There’s just too much rain in the forecast (past and present). The trail hasn’t had a chance to dry out and it will stll be too muddy to enjoy hiking the trail. We’ll look at rescheduling this in drier weather.

TTPA and Lucas will be sponsoring a hiking event for Lucas residents. We’ll go north and south from the Highland Park Trailhead, north as far as the Highland Park boatramp, and south to the easement from Lakeview Downs back onto Corps land. See our Trail Map page on our website for a map of the area we’ll be hiking.

When – 9am, Saturday, May 4, 2024
Where – Highland Park Trailhead
What to bring – appropriate footware for hiking on a natural earth trailbed (it may be muddy), bug spray, water.

We’ll try this again, heading south from Brockdale to find new re-route paths. We’ll be diving into the woods, off the beaten path, to find our new routes.

When – 9am, Saturday, April 6, 2024
Where – Brockdale Park trailhead
What to bring – mud boots (it will likely be damp), long pants and sleeves, loppers, water

Educational Farrier Talk for the Horse Owner

Lucas City Community Room
Thursday, 4 April 2024
6-8 PM
Free to TTPA members and friends

Longtime TTPA member Shannon Cole Veloz will provide an educational talk on Hoof Care for Horse Owners.

Come join us for an education journey on hoof care. Shannon is a long time farrier with a holistic approach to hoof care combining farrier skills with advanced equine bodywork modalities.

Some of the topics she will cover are:
No hoof, no horse – learn about basic hoof care
Hoof anatomy – structure and function of the foot
When to call the vet vs when to call the farrier
Laminitis vs Founder
How to treat an abscess and thrush
Types of protection of the hoof

Bring your questions and get answers from a farrier who can speak “horse owner.”

Bio on Shannon:
Shannon Cole Veloz APF I, ESMT is a farrier, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and PEMF technician.
Shannon became a farrier after having problems time after time with farriers for her personal horses. Shannon has been a farrier for over 15 years and continually learns new skills by attending the International Hoof Care Summit each year starting in 2016 through 2024.
Shannon is a member of the International Association of Professional Farriers and is certified through the IAPF as level APF-I Modalities – PEMF Therapy; Equine Sports Massage Therapy; and, Kinesiology Taping.
Her goal is to help horses move and feel better and to have beautiful feet.
Contact information for Shannon: 945-333-0963 or email

Please make a note that this is on a THURSDAY evening – 4 April starting at 6 PM at the Lucas Community Center, 665 Country Club Road, Lucas Texas

2024 St Patrick’s Day and Dice Ride

Come have fun and raise money for TTPA at the Dice Run.

Saturday 18 May 2024
Highland Park Trail Head
Lucas, Texas

Bring $10 to play and we’ll match you up with compatible riders in groups of 4 or 5 to head out on the trail.

Everyone will each get 5 rolls of the dice to try to get the highest score, one at the start, 3 on the trail and the last one at the trailhead at the end. Bring your cellphone or paper and pen to take with you on the trail to record your scores.

Prizes for the highest score in each group, the highest score overall and for “snake eyes”.

We will also provide decorations for you and your horse to get in the spirit of St Patrick’s day!

Hope to see everyone on May 18 at 10 am at the Highland Park Trail head in Lucas!

Horse Trailer Maintenance and Chili Lunch – 24 Feb

Saturday, February 24
Brockdale Trailhead in Lucas, Texas

Horse Trailer Maintenance Presentation Learn what you need to know about tires, hauling and trailer maintenance. Towing calculations and considerations are demystified in this informative discussion.
Hosted by Marisa and Mike Firth.

Chili Lunch The Trailer Presentation will be followed by a delicious chili lunch hosted by TTPA’s Sharon Berryman. Sharon has become famous for her chili. Don’t miss this event.

Bring your appetite and and any questions you have about trailers.

We’ll go south from Highland Park, installing direction stakes and trimming as needed.

When – 9am, Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Where – Highland Park trailhead
What to bring – gloves, water, loppers

The weather forecast is too intimidating, we’ll postpone till next Saturday.

We’ll go south from Highland Park, installing direction stakes and trimming as needed.

When – 9am, Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Where – Highland Park trailhead
What to bring – gloves, water, loppers

2024 TTPA Annual Dinner Party
Saturday 13 Jan 2024
6 PM to 10 PM
Dinner at 6:30 PM

Join us Saturday, the 13th of January 2024 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm

Lucas Community Center
665 Country Club Road
Lucas, Texas 75002
(behind Lucas City Hall)

Cost: $30 per person (adults and teenagers). If you have child(ren) 12 and under attending, we can accommodate them at $15 per child (paying at the door).

Guest Speaker
USACE Ranger Jonathan Boyce will be giving a short presentation on the State of the Lake.

Gift Exchange
Bring a gift for the gift exchange, if desired. $20 limit.

Renew Membership
We will have a table to renew TTPA memberships. If you are interested in getting more active in TTPA this is a great time to start. We are always looking for new members to play an active role.

Meal will be served buffet style and is being catered by Redwine’s BBQ Eats and Sweets. Dinner menu is:

  • Brisket, Smoked Sausage, and Smoked Chicken
  • Sides: Potato Salad, Pinto Beans, and Mac and Cheese
  • Dessert: Peach Cobbler and Cookies

Please pay in advance for the dinner via the PayPal form below. You do not need to have a PayPal account to pay: you can still use your credit card.

Number Attending

Please include a head count in the PayPal Comments and/or contact Events Chair, Paula Walker, (via email) to let us know a head-count (even if not purchasing tickets online).

Hope to see you at the dinner!

Gallery Snippets
Heading out Mike and Chris Cooling off in the shade Tom Eberhart, Mike Churchill, Joan Myrthue, and Berdine Eberhart Quiet sleeping horses - Gypsy and Chester are happy to snooze while Steve and Debbie visit Riders enjoying the trail