TTPA Obstacle Competition

Buckskin horse

Beautiful Buckskin horse on Obstacle Course

The Trinity Trail Preservation Association is sponsoring an Equestrian Obstacle Competition during Wylie, TX’ Weekend Celebration which features the annual Rodeo and the “Wylie is H.O.P.E” Country craft & Vendor Fair.

The Obstacle Competition will take place on the trail beginning at the East Fork trail head in Wylie, TX on Saturday, September 17, 2011.

Registration will open at 8 AM and close at 9:30 AM. No registrations will be accepted at 9:30 AM. A participants meeting will be held at 10:00 AM.

Registration Form (Word Document)

Sat., Sept 17th 2011 (Rain Date Sept. 24)
East Fork Trailhead, Wylie, TX
Registration 8-9:30 AM
Participants Meeting 10 AM

Pre-Registration TTPA Members – $20.00
At the Gate for TTPA Members – $25.00 (closes 9:30)
Pre-Registration Non-Members – $30.00
At the Gate for Non-Members – $35.00 (closes 9:30)

Equestrian camping available at adjacent East Fork Campground Sites:horse sites Near:Wylie State:TX Park Name: East Fork

Pleasure-Youth (16 yrs and younger)
Advanced-Youth (16 yrs and younger)

Ribbons for First-Sixth Place, Prizes for First-Third Place

Concession Stand

Mail registration form with check payable to TTPA by Sept 13
To: Kris McFarland
1512 Evergreen Drive
Allen, TX 75002

For further information contact Tracy Matern at 214- 495-7493
or 214-392-2288 or e-mail

• All Contestants should wear a helmet, or sign a waiver.
• Under the age of 16 yrs. must wear a helmet.
• 16 yrs. and under must be accompanied by an adult.
• Must have negative Coggins.
• Please no dogs

Directions to East Fork Trail Head in Wylie, TX

To get to East Fork Trail Head from US 75:
Take the Parker Road exit and go east.
When it T’s into FM 1378, turn right,
go to the next stoplight and then turn left onto Parker Road again.
Follow the directions below.

From Lucas:
Take FM 1378 south to Parker Road:
Turn left (east) on Parker Road (aka FM 2514) and follow it past Dr. Kerin’s (Parker Road Veterinary) office.
Turn left on Paul Wilson Road by the cabinet shop and the Wylie Veterinary Hospital. This becomes CR 384.
Follow CR 384 (may change street name) around to the trail head on the left, marked by the white pipe fence.

From north and east of Wylie on TX 78:
Come south on TX 78,
shortly after the Wylie Municipal Complex and the new Wal-Mart,
turn right (west) on Eubanks Lane (CR 389).
When the road forks, bear right on Forrest Ross Road (CR 389)
When it T’s, turn left on Skyview Drive (CR 384) and
then shortly turn right into the East Fork trail head which is bounded by a white pipe fence.

Equestrian Campground Information
The trailhead is adjacent to the East Fork Equestrian Campground. Register early to get one of 11 pull-through, large rig spaces each with water, electric and two pens. This facility includes bathrooms, showers and a pavilion and is a short ride to the trailhead. This is the only full-service equestrian campground within 50 miles. Register at and use the following: Sites: horse sites Near: Wylie State:TX Park Name: East Fork. Early registration is advised as sometimes the horse sites are used for overflow from the regular park. Stay over after the event and enjoy our 26 miles of trail.

Looking for something fun to do with your horse this weekend?

Grace Lake Ministries Therapeutic Horsemanship

Grace Lake Ministries Therapeutic Horsemanship

Beat the heat and bring your horse to the Obstacle Course Fundraiser to benefit Grace Lake Therapeutic Horsemanship. This promises to be fun for both you and your horse. This is not a competition, but a learning and training experience to enjoy with no pressure.

When: Saturday, June 18, 2011
Time: 9 AM to 1 PM
What: 20+ Challenging Obstacles & a Tack Sale
Location: Cowboy Church of Collin County, 2800 FM 3364, Princeton, TX
Cost: $25 Entry Fee (Additional Donations Welcomed)

Special Feature: In addition to an exciting obstacle course, Mustang Trainer Jerry Jones will be providing an obstacle training demonstration using newly trained mustangs at approximately 12 noon.

Negative Coggins Required
Lunch Included

RSVP to Suzanne Creel at 972-548-2016 or 205-807-2681

All donations are tax deductible and benefit Grace Lake Ministries a 501c3 that provides a Christ-centered NARHA therapeutic horsemanship program in the Anna/Blue Ridge area.

Directions to Cowboy Church of Collin County From 75:

Exit on Bethany Drive in Allen and go east.
Take Bethany Drive through Allen into Lucas (about 5 miles).
Continue straight through on Bethany Road, the road changes its name to East Lucas Road and intersects with FM 1378.
Go through the traffic light straight on Lucas Road.
In about ½ mile, when the road makes a sharp curve, you will see the Lucas Food Mart and Fina station on your left and a traffic light.
Turn left here at stop light on FM 3286 (aka Lucas Road) .
Go across two bridges and continue on Lucas Road until the road tees into FM 928. Turn left (north) and to until FM 3364 (there is a gas station on right corner). Turn right onto FM 3364 and go about 1/2 mile and you’ll see Cowboy Church of Collin County. This is the location of the obstacle course.

Note: This is not an official TTPA event, but it is a horse event with many TTPA members attending.

TTPA Trail Ride, Dinner, Raptor Event and Pavilion Opening – 11 June 2011

June 11 is a busy day for TTPA members. We will host a dinner, an evening Trail Ride (or hike), celebrate the opening of the new Pavilion, and have a presentation by the Raptor Center. This should be a fun event.

The exact times will be announced later, but for now mark your calendars and plan to spend the evening of 11 June at Brockdale Park Trail head.

Gallery Snippets
Heading out Cooling off in the shade TTPATrailer Quiet sleeping horses - Gypsy and Chester are happy to snooze while Steve and Debbie visit East Fork Ribbon Ceremony Riders enjoying the trail