There is cold and then there is cold (and maybe rainy), so we’ve cancelled this ride. See you on the next one!!

We’ll be gathering at Highland Park and riding north to the Giant Sycamore tree.

Where – Highland Park trailhead
When – 10am, November 15, 2014 *CANCELLED*

Don’t forget the your horse’s Coggins, and be prepared to dress warmly!

On Saturday, September 27, our Giant Sycamore will be one of the National Public Lands Day projects. During the morning of the 27th, we’ll be moving the picnic tables, the sign board, and the hitching rails further from the tree base to allow the soil under the tree to recover to its natural state. We’ll also be spreading bark mulch under the tree to speed up the soil’s recuperation.

For this project, we’ll have permission from the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) to use their construction road to drive our vehicles down to Wilson Creek and park there. So instead of an 8-mile hike to reach the tree, it will now be only a short ¼ mile walk.
If you would like to participate in this project, please contact Duke Monson at or 214-422-2929 with the number of adults who will be coming, and if you can provide any of the following tools:

  • Shovel
  • Rake
  • Metal-tined pitchfork

If you can come, you’ll need water, bug-spray, long pants, long-sleeves, gloves, and a bag-lunch. We’ll start at 830am and hopefully be finished by noon. Duke will provide directions to the construction road entrance as you RSVP.

TTPA will bring chainsaws and some hand tools.

Where – NTMWD Construction entrance on Orr Road
When – 830am, Saturday, September 27
Directions from Highland Park trailhead – exit the trailhead and turn right on Snider Lane. Follow Snider Lane to the end, and turn right onto Winningkoff. Follow Winningkoff, through the stop sign at Blondy Jheune, and to the next stop sign. Turn left onto Orr Road. Follow Orr Road past the main entrance to the Wastewater Treatment plant, and turn right into the construction entrance (50yds past the main entrance).
Directions from US75 – exit onto Stacey Rd eastbound. Follow Stacey Rd until it ends at the light on Country Club Drive. Turn left onto Country Club and then turn right at the next light (you are now back on Stacey Rd). Follow Stacey Rd until it dead ends at a stop sign, turn right onto Orr Rd. About 1 mile south, you will reach the construction entrance to the Wastewater Treatment plant. If you reach the main entrance, you’ve gone 50yds to far.

With the rain coming down on Thursday and Friday, we’re cancelling the ride. Too muddy and slippery.

We’ll rideout at 10am, and enjoy meeting friends at the Giant Sycamore tree. (Brown bag lunch optional)

DATE: Saturday, September 13, 2014
TIME: Rideout starting at 10am
LOCATION: Highland Park Park Trailhead

Bring a brown bag for lunch at the Sycamore.

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse!

Our plans at the moment are to gather at the Brockdale Trailhead, and work on trail maintenance as needed. However, the plans may change, so please check this site for last minute changes.

Where – Brockdale Trailhead
When – 9am, Saturday, June 14
What to bring – bags for trash, loppers, chainsaw, long sleeves, and gloves

We’ll be having our first Moonlight ride of 2014!

DATE: Saturday, June 7, 2014
TIME: Rideout at or after sunset (8pm-ish?)
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse! And flashlights? and Bug Spray!!! It may be warm, but we’ll see you there!

DATE: Saturday, April 26, 2014
TIME: Fine post-Easter dining starts sometime between 12noon and 1pm (when the ham is ready), official rideout afterwards!
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

We’ll have a serving of ham and side dishes and dessert for lunch and then those who are able to can rideout afterwards. Of course if you’d like a morning ride, you’re welcome to arrive early and head out – just get back in time for lunch! During the lunch hour, we’ll hold a Member’s meeting to get current updates on activities on and off the trail. We’re also planning a GPS-training event for the ride, so bring along your favorite GPS device!

Please fill out the RSVP form for this ride so we can get a head count on food.

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse and a chair to sit on!

We’ll be gathering at the Brockdale Park Trailhead and working north on the trail as far as White Rock Creek, trimming and clearing as needed.

Where – Brockdale Park Trailhead
When – 9am, Saturday, April 12
What to bring – bags for trash, loppers, chainsaw, long sleeves, and gloves

TTPA Annual Holiday Dinner – December 13, 2013

UPDATE: Due to the winter storm, we moved the party to Dec 13. Please resubmit the RSVP form so we have an updated headcount for 13 December.

TTPA will be hosting our annual dinner and Christmas party on Friday, December 13, 2013 at 7pm. The party this year will be a catered buffet dinner at the Collin College Spring Creek Campus Conference Hall (2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway).

Please visit the RSVP page (2013 Annual Party RSVP) to let us know you are coming.

We’ll be recognizing volunteer contributions, Volunteer of the Year, and some other new Awards. We’ll also be auctioning off two of the legacy Trinity Trail hat pins, followed by our popular Gift Exchange.

We’ve decided on a catered dinner this year after last year’s disappointing service in a restaurant environment for our number of attendees. This year, we’ll have plenty of room in the Conference Hall and, with a buffet service, we won’t be relying on an overworked wait staff.

When – Friday, Dec 13, doors open at 630pm, buffet opens sometime after 7pm.
Where – Collin College Spring Creek Campus Conference Hall (2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway east of US 75 in Plano, TX)
Cost – $15/person, please expect to pay with cash or check at the door
Menu (served buffet style):

  • Prime rib
  • sliced turkey
  • mashed potatoes
  • green beans almondine
  • grilled veggie salad
  • garden salad
  • chocolate layer cake
  • coffee, tea, or water

Gift Exchange – Bring a gift if you wish to participate ($15-$20 price range), or sit back and enjoy the festivities

Please visit the RSVP page (2013 Annual Party RSVP) to let us know you are coming.

The “B” in the below map marks the specific location of the Conference Hall.

View Larger Map

Conference Center Entrance (click for larger view)

We’ll be heading north from Brockdale to two of the culverts that have gotten badly blocked.

Where – Brockdale Park
When – 9am, Saturday, Oct 12
What to bring – mud boots, shovels, and gloves.

We’ll be having our second Moonlight ride of 2013! This time, in addition to the ride, we’ll also be having a first-aid clinic (for humans) presented by the Lucas VFD beforehand, with special attention to hot-weather maladies.

DATE: Saturday, August 17, 2013
TIME: Lucas VFD presentation at 730pm, rideout at or after sunset (815pm?)
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse and a chair to sit on! And flashlights? and Bug Spray!!! and questions for the VFD! It may be warm, but we’ll see you there!

Gallery Snippets
Horse watering hole Dutch Oven Food line Kurt cooked an awesome lunch Cooling off in the shade Riding on Trinity Trail Taking a break at Collin Park