Join us for the annual Chili ride and membership renewal drive. Lunch will be served at noon, so show up before if you want to ride/hike earlier, or you can ride/hike out after lunch.

When – Saturday, Jan. 15, 2022
Where – Highland Park trailhead
What to bring – chair to sit in, Coggins for your horse if you bring one.

We’ll continue working on the re-route around the Locust Valley.

When – 9am Saturday, Jan. 22 2022
Where – Highland Park trailhead
What to Bring – Loppers, gloves, long sleeves, water for yourself.

Gallery Snippets
Jack Gilstrap brushing his horse Kurt cooked an awesome lunch Relaxing Cooling off in the shade Steve and Debbie ride in for lunch Quiet sleeping horses - Gypsy and Chester are happy to snooze while Steve and Debbie visit