We’ll be joining the Lucas Founders Day parade for our October ride. So break out the costumes for you and your horse and join us! The town will be serving food after the parade at the Town Hall pavilion.

When – Saturday, Oct 22, 2016 – Parade starts at noon, you should arrive before 10am, since you’ll have to check-in with the parade desk and get your costume(s) on.
Where – Lucas Town Hall – Horse trailer parking will be across the street at the Lucas Vet Hospital (we’ll have someone on hand to direct the parking)
What to bring – A COSTUME! and your Coggins. Hamburgers and hotdogs served afterwards at the Town Hall pavilion.

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Gallery Snippets
Mike and Chris East Fork Ribbon Ceremony Taking a break at Collin Park Charlie Gaines on Spirit Back from a ride Tom Pollard relaxing after the ride