TTPA Trail Ride, Dinner, Raptor Event and Pavilion Opening – 11 June 2011

June 11 is a busy day for TTPA members. We will host a dinner, an evening Trail Ride (or hike), celebrate the opening of the new Pavilion, and have a presentation by the Raptor Center. This should be a fun event.

The exact times will be announced later, but for now mark your calendars and plan to spend the evening of 11 June at Brockdale Park Trail head.

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Gallery Snippets
Cooling off in the shade TTPATrailer Tom Eberhart, Mike Churchill, Joan Myrthue, and Berdine Eberhart Quiet sleeping horses - Gypsy and Chester are happy to snooze while Steve and Debbie visit Riding on Trinity Trail Tom Pollard relaxing after the ride