Giant Sycamore Tree

In 2009, Charlie Gaines, Tracy Matern, and other members of the Trinity Trail Preservation Association were walking the proposed route of the new northern extension for Trinity Trail. They came across something that put them in awe – enormous sycamore trees.

One tree in particular looked to be the granddaddy tree. They contacted the Texas Forestry service who came out to officially measure the tree. The giant tree measured 25 and a half feet around and had a crown spread of 126 feet. The tree is estimated to be 101 feet tall.

Check out the articles in two local papers.

Gallery Snippets
Lunch time Mike and Chris Cooling off in the shade TTPATrailer Tom Eberhart, Mike Churchill, Joan Myrthue, and Berdine Eberhart Quiet sleeping horses - Gypsy and Chester are happy to snooze while Steve and Debbie visit