Frequently Asked Questions About the Trinity Trail Preservation Association

Can I rent horses?
No, our organization primarily maintains the trail. Besides maintaining the trails, we have family type cookouts at our trail rides. We also have guest speakers at our Quarterly meetings to help us become better horse owners and to maintain healthy and happy equines.

Do I need to be a member to use the trails?
No, you do not need to be a member to use or ride on the trails, however, the cost is minimal to become a member, and the money is used to support the maintenance and enhancement of the trails.

What benefits do I get by becoming a member?
Membership in the TTPA gets you involved with a group of wonderful people. Our primary focus is trail riding, and once you become a member you will receive a monthly news letter that will inform you of all the news and upcoming events. There are approximately 200 members at this time, and there is a wealth of knowledge and friendship among us. Most of us ride other trails as well, so typically you will see other TTPA members at any time on trails somewhere in Texas or Oklahoma. TTPA sponsors trail rides, barbecues, seminars, and fundraisers. No matter which events you attend, you’re sure to have fun!

As an added benefit, as of 2021, all TTPA members can receive discounted membership with CareFlite for insurance for their entire household.

Is the trail always open?
The trail is open year round, with access and parking for your horse trailers at any of the four trailheads. During unusually heavy rains, the trail may be closed to prevent erosion, but due to TTPA improvements, this is seldom the case, or if the lake rises and floods the trail. Check this website in the future for status updates on the trail.

Are motorized vehicles or bicycles allowed on the trail?
Nope….the trail is designed specifically for horseback riding and hiking. If you do see a motorized vehicle on the trail, report it to 972-442-3141.

Gallery Snippets
Jack Gilstrap brushing his horse Shelly Tom Eberhart, Mike Churchill, Joan Myrthue, and Berdine Eberhart Riding on Trinity Trail afterride Back from a ride