TTPA Trail riders

TTPA Trail riders

May 2011 Trail RideCANCELED

Join friends and fellow horse riders for a simple gathering and trail ride on 21 May 2011.

Arrive at Trail Head: 9:00 AM
Ride out: 9:30 AM

Location: Brockdale Trail Head, Lucas, TX

This is an informal ride with no organized lunch. Bring a sack lunch, chairs, and water to drink.

Don’t forget your coggins!

April 23, 2011 at Brockdale Park Trail Head.

Arrive at 9:30 and Ride out at 10:00 am. After the ride (around 1pm), our Cowboy Chefs Kurt and Shelley Van Doran will once again be treating us to a traditional dutch oven lunch. Read the rest of this entry »

March 19, 2011 at Brockdale Trailhead Arrive at 9:30 and Ride out at 10:00 am Lunch will be available at 1:00 pm We will be serving homemade tacos, beans, and dessert. RSVP: Lana Gilstrap at

Gallery Snippets
Heading out Firepit Heading out TTPATrailer East Fork Ribbon Ceremony Riders enjoying the trail