We’ll be having our first Moonlight ride of 2014!

DATE: Saturday, June 7, 2014
TIME: Rideout at or after sunset (8pm-ish?)
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse! And flashlights? and Bug Spray!!! It may be warm, but we’ll see you there!

We’ll rideout at 10am, and enjoy meeting friends at the Giant Sycamore tree. (Brown bag lunch optional)

DATE: Saturday, May 17, 2014
TIME: Rideout starting at 10am
LOCATION: Highland Park Park Trailhead

Bring a brown bag for lunch at the Sycamore.

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse!

DATE: Saturday, April 26, 2014
TIME: Fine post-Easter dining starts sometime between 12noon and 1pm (when the ham is ready), official rideout afterwards!
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

We’ll have a serving of ham and side dishes and dessert for lunch and then those who are able to can rideout afterwards. Of course if you’d like a morning ride, you’re welcome to arrive early and head out – just get back in time for lunch! During the lunch hour, we’ll hold a Member’s meeting to get current updates on activities on and off the trail. We’re also planning a GPS-training event for the ride, so bring along your favorite GPS device!

Please fill out the RSVP form for this ride so we can get a head count on food.

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse and a chair to sit on!

It’s that time of year to wear some Green. We’ll rideout as we’re ready, and enjoy meeting friends at the Giant Sycamore tree. (Brown bag lunch optional)

DATE: Saturday, March 22nd, 2014
TIME: Rideout starting at 10am
LOCATION: Highland Park Park Trailhead

Bring a brown bag for lunch at the Sycamore (which may be starting to put on its Green).

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse!

Now it’s time for our annual Chili ride!!
(Note: Since the Berryman’s generously host the Chili Ride, we moved it to February to accommodate their schedule.)

DATE: Saturday, February 15th, 2014
TIME: Fine Chili dining starts sometime between 12noon and 1pm (when the Chili’s ready), official rideout afterwards!
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

Please use this RSVP Form to let us know you plan to attend.

We’ll have a bowl or two of warm Chili and fixin’s for lunch and then those who are able to can rideout afterwards. Of course if you’d like a morning ride, you’re welcome to arrive early and head out – just get back in time for lunch!

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse and a chair to sit on!

We’ll be having our second Moonlight ride of 2013! This time, in addition to the ride, we’ll also be having a first-aid clinic (for humans) presented by the Lucas VFD beforehand, with special attention to hot-weather maladies.

DATE: Saturday, August 17, 2013
TIME: Lucas VFD presentation at 730pm, rideout at or after sunset (815pm?)
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse and a chair to sit on! And flashlights? and Bug Spray!!! and questions for the VFD! It may be warm, but we’ll see you there!

We’ll be having our first Moonlight ride of 2013! and it’s a special Moon, the closest and brightest full moon in 2013!

DATE: Saturday, June 22, 2013
TIME: Chuckwagon Cookout Dinner at 7pm, rideout at or after sunset (830pm?)
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

To make sure we have enough food for dinner, please RSVP our Chuckwagon Master Tim, at 469-854-1775 if you plan to attend the dinner.

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse and a chair to sit on! And flashlights? and Bug Spray!!!

There will be a Charity Poker Ride at Brockdale Park Trailhead on June 8th benefiting the Throwaway Ponies Horse Rescue & Therapy Riding organization. Come out for a ride, collect the cards for your poker hand, and help raise funds for this local charity.

Throwaway Ponies - Helping Horses.  Healing Hearts.

Where: Brockdale Park Trailhead in Lucas, TX.
When: June 8, 2013 10am check-in, ride out at 10:30am

Prizes awarded for best hand:

  • 1st Place: Endurance Saddle valued at $400
  • 2nd Place: Private Training
  • 3rd Place: Gift Certificate for feed

Other Information:

  • Current Coggins REQUIRED at check in
  • $25 donation (a hand)
  • Complimentary drinks provided
  • Lunch provided at completion of ride

Ride “Pardners”:

  • Trophy Nissan
  • Anchor Fabrication
  • Horse and Rider – McKinney, TX
  • Bark Harpst & Ron Steele
  • Mitchell’s Feed – Royce City, TX

How you can help:
Download and print a poster announcing the ride and help get the word out.

Valentine’s Day is coming up and we are planning a ride!

DATE: Saturday, February 16, 2013
TIME: Ride out at 2pm
LOCATION: Highland Park Trailhead

It’s time to bring your significant other along on a trail ride! We’ll have a pot-luck afterwards in the pavilion, so bring enough for an extra mouth or two!

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse, a chair to sit on, and dress warmly, because it’s usually chilly in the evening in February!

We are planning our annual January Chili Ride!

DATE: Saturday, January 26, 2013
TIME: Ride out at 2pm
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

Sharon Berryman has agreed to cook her excellent Chili for us – this is always a fun ride because as you return from riding, the wonderful smell of chili cooking hits your nose. Chili will be ready between 5 and 5:30pm, and hopefully the Corps will let us have a bonfire to keep warm.

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse, a chair to sit on, and dress warmly, because it’s usually chilly in the evening, or is that chili ? !

If you are coming, please RSVP via email to Sharon Berryman so we know how much chili to make!

Gallery Snippets
Lunch time Joan riding Zegna afterride Out on the trail Tom Pollard relaxing after the ride Watering horses after a ride