Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

When: Saturday, September 8
Time: 8 am (to beat the heat)
Where: Brockdale Park Trailhead in Lucas

We will meet at 8am at the Brockdale Park Trailhead. Plans are to work from the Brockdale Park Trailhead, Highland Park Trailhead, and other access points in between to:

  • pick up trash
  • trim branches south from the Highland Park trailhead to the White Rock Creek, especially the cedars encroaching on the trail.
  • trim branches north and south from both trailheads
  • trim and clean storm debris along the Sycamore Loop
  • work on smoothing the trail along washout damage south of Brockdale Park

Make sure you bring water, a hat, appropriate clothing, and perhaps sunscreen – summer is still upon us.

Bringing along a few wheelbarrows and shovels would be appreciated for earth moving.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369, if you are coming and/or if you can bring a tractor and bush hog. Please help if you can.

Fall is back!
(OK, Fall actually starts on 22 September, but it sure feels like Fall already!)

Join us on September 22 for our Early Fall Ride and Lunch.

When: Saturday, September 22, 2012
Where: Brockdale Park Trailhead
Time: Arrive at 8:30am, Ride out at 9am

Lunch is being prepared by Kurt and Shelly Van Doran, so please RSVP to for a headcount. A minimum $5 donation for lunch will be appreciated

Don’t forget your Coggins!

Bring a chair and join fellow members after the ride for lunch.

Just in case TTPA needs to cancel the ride, please check the web site before you haul.

The trail north of Highland Park trailhead was closed, as NTMWD cleaned up a major sewer line break, but is now open. It should be dry by now.

This will be our second evening full-moon ride of 2012.


Join us on July 28th for our Potluck Dinner and Moonlight Ride ride.

When: Saturday, July 28, 2012
Where: Brockdale Park Trailhead
Time: Arrive at 6:00pm, Ride out at 8pm, as the sun sets and dinner is over.

Bring a Potluck dish (hot or cold) to share with your fellow members, and don’t forget your Coggins!

Bring a chair and join fellow members afterwards at the trailhead around the firepit.

It looks like a beautiful weekend, and the moon should be well overhead for the ride. Just in case TTPA needs to cancel the ride, please check the web site before you haul.

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

When: Saturday, August 4
Time: 8 am (to beat the heat)
Where: Highland Park Trailhead in Lucas

We will meet at 8am at the Highland Park Trailhead. Plans are to:

  • Mow the trail south from the trailhead to the underpass
  • pick up trash
  • trim branches south from the trailhead to the underpass, especially the cedars encroaching on the trail.

Make sure you bring water, a hat, appropriate clothing, and perhaps sunscreen – summer is upon us.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369 or Duke Monson at 214-422-292, if you are coming and/or if you can bring a tractor and bush hog. Please help if you can.

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

When: Saturday, July 7
Time: 8 am (to beat the heat)
Where: Highland Park Trailhead in Lucas

We will meet at 8am at the Highland Park Trailhead. Plans are to:

  • Mow and weedwhack the trailhead
  • pick up trash
  • trim branches, especially the cedars encroaching on the trail.

Make sure you bring water, a hat, appropriate clothing, and perhaps sunscreen – summer is upon us.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369 if you are coming. Please help if you can.

This will be our first evening full-moon ride of 2012.


Join us on June 2nd for our Moonlight Ride ride.

When: Saturday, June 2, 2012
Where: Brockdale Park Trailhead
Time: Arrive at 7:30pm, Ride out at 8pm, after the sun sets.

Bring a chair and join fellow members afterwards at the trailhead around the firepit.

It looks like a beautiful weekend, but just in case TTPA needs to cancel the ride, please check the web site before you haul.

Gallery Snippets
Charlie visiting with friends Cooling off in the shade Shelly East Fork Ribbon Ceremony Riding on Trinity Trail Taking a break at Collin Park