TTPA Needs You!

That’s right. According to our charter, TTPA has to do regular maintenance on Trinity Trail. With all the recent rain and winds the trails need work.

Date: 14 May 2011
Location: Brockdale Park Trail Head, Lucas, TX
Time: 9AM.

We will install a new Kiosk built by Richard Burgess,
We also need to weed and mow.

Please bring weed eaters and ride on mowers if you can. Also bring gloves and water to drink.

Contact Charlie Gaines at 972-824-3369 for details.

Come help out and meet fellow riders. Its fun and only takes a little time, but can make a huge difference.

Want more reasons to participate? Check out the TTPA blog post on Five Reasons to Participate in a TTPA Work Day!

TTPA Trail riders

TTPA Trail riders

May 2011 Trail RideCANCELED

Join friends and fellow horse riders for a simple gathering and trail ride on 21 May 2011.

Arrive at Trail Head: 9:00 AM
Ride out: 9:30 AM

Location: Brockdale Trail Head, Lucas, TX

This is an informal ride with no organized lunch. Bring a sack lunch, chairs, and water to drink.

Don’t forget your coggins!

We had a very productive workday thanks to Wade and Jamie Hanchar, Kaetlyn and Kris McFarland, Lucy Estabrook, Maureen Miller, Katie and Lizzy Rosdorff and Jack Gilstrap. We policed the trailhead and entry area for trash and debris. Wade, Jamie, Kaetlyn, Kris and I took the Gator on the trail to install new signs and take down several dead trees too close to the trail. This group earned the title “WRECKING CREW!” We cleared alot in a timely manner.

Mission accomplished thanks to Great Volunteers.

Thanks to all,

Jack Gilstrap

April 23, 2011 at Brockdale Park Trail Head.

Arrive at 9:30 and Ride out at 10:00 am. After the ride (around 1pm), our Cowboy Chefs Kurt and Shelley Van Doran will once again be treating us to a traditional dutch oven lunch. Read the rest of this entry »

March 19, 2011 at Brockdale Trailhead Arrive at 9:30 and Ride out at 10:00 am Lunch will be available at 1:00 pm We will be serving homemade tacos, beans, and dessert. RSVP: Lana Gilstrap at

Date: Saturday, March 12, 2011
Start Time: 9 am
Where: Highland Park Trailhead
For More Info: Call Charlie Gaines at 972-824-3369 for more details.
What to Bring: Bring gloves, clippers, pruning shears, and water to drink.

Currently the Corp of Engineers is planning to conduct a controlled burn the week of January 10th – 14th. This will effect access to the Trinity Trail in that we will be closing the portion of the trail, north of the Brockdale Equestrian area for the safety of the public and users of the Trinity Trail. The trail will be closed only for the duration of the controlled burn, which is expected to last the majority of the day. We will have a firmer schedule as we get closer to the execution and we will pass on that information as it becomes available.

Update 1/20/2011: The burn was canceled due to heavy snow. The trail is open.

Thank you for sending us your info. We look forward to seeing you.

Gallery Snippets
Lunch time Joan riding Zegna afterride Out on the trail Tom Pollard relaxing after the ride Watering horses after a ride