St. Patrick’s Day is in March and to celebrate the TTPA is planning a “Wearing of the Green” ride.

DATE: Saturday, March 23, 2013
TIME: Ride out at 2pm
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

Come celebrate the Wearing of the Green and put some miles on your horse by joining us at Brockdale for our March Ride. Wear green or be prepared to get pinched.

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse, a chair to sit on, and dress warmly, because it’s usually chilly in the evening, even in March!

Update: The trails were reopened after New Years day, but have been closed again.

On Jan 9 2013 Charlie Gaines, Trail Steward for the Trinity Trail, closed the Brockdale and Highland Park Trail Heads due to muddy trails. The trails will likely stay closed for at least a couple of days after the rain clears out, since the cold temperatures will limit drying. Please check back here for an update, and check the TTPA Trail Status Page for trail conditions.

December 2012 Holiday Parades – Horse Riding Opportunities

The Holiday Season is upon us, and along with the Holidays come holiday parades. Tracy Matern has put together a list of the Parade details for the 2012 season. There are often multiple cities having parades the same day (and sometimes at the same time). The parades likely to have higher participation from TTPA members are flagged with red stars.

Tracy also offers a couple of tips:

We decorate with Christmas garlands and bows and with battery operated lights for the night parades. The rule we enforce the most is “Please do not speed up to go back to your trailers after the parade…no trotting, cantering, etc. as this has resulted in accidents and injuries in the past.”

Save some “Parade energy” for the Fort Worth Stock Show Parade on January 19th. It is the largest all-equine parade in the world.

Also take a look at the Parade Riding Tips on the Trinity Trails Blog site.

Please let Tracy know if you plan to attend any of these by email at or via home phone at 214-495-7493 or cell phone 214-392-2288.

We will need a utility vehicle or golf cart (or the Gator) to pick up poop for some of these parades. If you (or perhaps a non-riding spouse) would like to volunteer to help out, please coordinate with Tracy. This is a two person job: one to drive, and one to scoop, preferably with trade-outs.

Pooper Scooper requirements are indicated under the parades that require it (so far Melissa, Wylie and Allen). Last year, Brian Collins of McKinney Stables and a friend were a huge hit with the crowd. Brian drove a golf cart and his friend scooped the poop on the fly with a shovel and placed in a muck bucket in the back. They weaved in and out of the different horse groups and seemed to be having a great time. We can borrow the TTPA gator but we need a couple of volunteers to drive it.

Uniform: TTPA T-Shirt or Sweatshirt; black pants, black hat. Black pants and a solid red shirt will work in a pinch.

Decorations will be available for the horses including parade blanket covers but you can bring red bows, Christmas Garlands for around the breast collar and saddle, and battery operated lights for the night parades.

Please make sure your horse is ready for all the sights and sounds of a parade. Some of them are intense.

**The parades we are targeting for TTPA.

Saturday, December 1

Rockwall Judging 8 AM Start 9 AM
Theme: “Through the Eyes of a Child”
$20 & Registration Form-can register and pay on-line by Nov 19th
For late registration, call 972-722-6001
Contact: 972-722-6001
Route: Old Downtown Square behind Courthouse
Start at Caruth; goes south on Goliad to the square
People have told me this parade is becoming less and less horse friendly and therefore less safe.

**Melissa Line Up 9:30 Start 10 AM
Theme: “Christmas Melodies”
$5 Entry Fee & Entry Form by 11/29/12
Must have “pooper scooper vehicle”
We need two banner carriers. We have a new banner that is smaller and easier to carry.
We need someone to pickup and transport the TTPA Gator and trailer and one person to drive it and one person to poop scoop as you go along.

Whitewright Line Up 8:30-9:30 AM Judging: 9:30-10:00 AM Start 10 AM
Theme: Ribbons, Bells & Bows
Contact: Cathy Pierce at the Whitewright Chamber of Commerce
Staging: American Legion Hall
Route: North up Bond and West on Grand

Josephine Staging: 10-11 AM Start Noon
Contact: Police Chief Daniel Jacobs – 214-229-8901

**Van Alstyne Start 2 PM
Theme: “An Old Fashioned Hometown Christmas”

**Wylie Staging begins 3:30 PM Judging 4:45 PM Start 5:30 PM
Theme: Festival of Light
Contact: First Baptist Church of Wylie
Debra Tobolka, Administrator to Missions Pastor
Phone 972-442-2261
Fax 972-442-6154
Action Item: Called re staging as last year was difficult.
We need someone to pickup and transport the TTPA Gator and trailer and one person to drive it and one person to poop scoop as you go along. Shovel, broom and muck bucket will be provided.

Need two banner carriers. We have a new banner that is smaller

Sunday, December 2

**Allen Staging begins at 11 AM.
Line Up 1:30 PM
Start 2 PM

Theme: “A Season of Giving”

I plan to be there at noon. Bring a lunch and decorate with us.
Send registration form and $50 11/26/12

Staging for horses is in the gravel parking lot on the right hand side of the intersection of Cedar and Rivercrest. Enter the area from Exchange Parkway and turn south on Cedar Street.

We need someone to pickup and transport the TTPA Gator and trailer and one person to drive it and one person to poop scoop as you go along. Shovel, broom and muck bucket will be provided.

Need two banner carriers. We have a new banner that is smaller and easier to carry.

Call Bryan Collins at 214-244-7777 the day after Thanksgiving

December 6 (Thursday)

Denison Start 6 PM Line Up 5 PM
Contact: Denison Area Chamber of Commerce
Phone: 903-465-1551
Fax: 903-465-8443
Entry Form
Staging: On Crawford Street
After registering, they will send us a line up position
No entry fee; cash prizes

Saturday, December 8

** Anna Start Noon
Line up info will be sent to me a week before
I plan to get there at 10 AM

Theme: “Where the Magic Begins”
Staging is usually in the Anna High School southside parking lot on Hwy 5
Confirm: Info: Sara Cox 972-924-8533 or

Flower Mound Start 10 AM
Route: From Eaton Drive to Marcus HS
Staging: Doublecheck….Marcus High School, 5707 Morris Road
Registration form due________________; no fee; non-cash prizes
After registration form is received, they will send additional information the first week of December
Doublecheck: Contact: Kimberly Cheek at the Town of Flower Mound
Phone: 972-874-6276
Fax; 972-874-6471
Horses are allowed, but none have signed up for 2012 as of 26 November.

**Royce City Staging & Check-In 4-5 PM, Start 6:30 PM
Theme “Texas Christmas on Main Street”
Staging is …….call last year was on Front Street
Contact: Royse City Chamber of Commerce
Parade questions to
Send registration form to address on form by 12/01/12

**Farmersville Line up begins 4:45 PM Start 6:30 PM
Theme: “Frosty Flakes of Farmersville Fun”
Contact: Farmersville Chamber of Commerce
Phone 972-782-6533
Fax 972-782-6603
Email to
Staging by the old cotton mill

Blue Ridge Staging 6 Pm Start 7 PM
Staging at Blue Ridge High School, Business 78 and CR 504
Theme “————————————-”
Contact: Tanya, City of Blue Ridge 972-752-5791

Saturday, January 19

**Fort Worth Fat Stock Show Parade Start 11 AM
Contact: 817-877-2410
Registration and releases due by 12.31.12

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

When: Sat 23 June
Time: 8 am (to beat the heat)
Where: East Fork Trailhead in Wylie

We will meet at 8am at the East Fork Trailhead. Plans are to:

  • Mark Trails in the repaired areas
  • pick up trash
  • place signs
  • trim branches, especially the cedars encroaching on the trail.

Make sure you bring water, a hat, appropriate clothing, and perhaps sunscreen – summer is upon us.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369 if you are coming. Please help if you can.

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

Time to prepare the trail for the ACTHA rides on Memorial Day weekend. We’ll be mowing the trail and trailhead, last minute trail clearing, and odds and ends.

We will meet at 8am at the Brockdale Trailhead and work north and south of the trailhead, 3 miles in each direction.

Please make sure you have sturdy work gloves. If you can bring pruners and/or lopers, and some trash bags that would be great.

Call Charlie at 972-824-3369 if you are coming. We want to make sure we have enough vehicles to transport people to the work areas. Please help if you can.

Spring Fling Ride

Spring is a great time to ride in texas

Spring is a great time to ride in Texas

April is often one of the most beautiful times of the year to ride on the Trinity Trail around Lake Lavon.

Join us on April 21st for our Spring Fling ride.

When: Saturday, April 21
Where: Highland Park Trailhead
Time: Arrive at 9:30am, Ride out at 10am

Bring a sack lunch and a chair and join fellow members at the trailhead around 1pm for lunch.

It looks like a beautiful weekend, but just in case TTPA needs to cancel the ride, please check
the web site before you haul.

ACTHA Competitive Trail Challenge

What: Six miles of trail with obstacles
Where: Brockdale Park Trailhead, Lucas TX
Who: Anyone who likes to have fun with their horse
When: Sunday 27 May 2012

Great Prizes for 1st – 6th Place
Open & Pleasure divisions eligible for jackpot ($20 per open rider)
Divisions: Open * Pleasure * Junior

All participants must register online to participate
Limited to the first 100 riders
Benefiting Trinity Trail Preservation Association (501c3 non-profit)

Help! Trinity Trail Needs You!

Trinity Trail has suffered extensive damage to the trail from the recent heavy rains. We are hoping you can come to the workday this Saturday. We really want to get the trails open again. Mother Nature was hard on our trail. If you ride on the trail or want to in the future, please come out and do your part.

We will meet at 9am at the Brockdale Trailhead. You may want to pack a lunch and bring water because we may be out there more than 2 or 3 hours. We will be repairing damage to the trail, pruning, picking up trash, and clearing culverts, both north and south of Brockdale.

Please make sure you have sturdy work gloves. If you can bring pruners and/or lopers, and some trash bags that would be great.

Call Duke at 214-422-2929 or Charlie at 972-824-3369 if you are coming. We want to make sure we have a enough vehicles to transport people to the work areas. Please help if you can.

Updated March 24, 2012

Notice: Storm flood damage has washed out a trench across the Trail about 1.5 miles from the Brockdale Park Trailhead. This trail is CLOSED until the damage can be repaired (perhaps 2 weeks?).

Brockdale Park North trail is also closed due to muddy conditions, but this will likely change once drier conditions have dried things out a bit.

If you have questions, you may contact Charlie Gaines, the Trail Steward.

St Patrick’s Day Trail Ride – Sat 17 March 2012

Update Sat Morning: Ride is ON! Only a few sprinkles here. North Brockdale trail is good. South trail is still a bit muddy but ride-able. Join the fun!

Date: March 17, 2012
Time: Arrive 1:30pm and Ride Out at 2:00pm
Location: Brockdale Trailhead, Lucas

Food: Kurt and Shelly Van Doran are cooking! Dinner ready between 5 and 5:30pm

Please RSVP via email to Shelley at for dinner if you are coming.
Shelley and Kurt need to know how much food to prepare !

Minimum of $5 donation for food please.

Remember your Coggins and bring a chair.

I hate to add this, but please look for an email on Friday or check the TTPA web site before coming.
More rain is predicted and we may have to cancel the ride if the trails are too muddy.

Gallery Snippets
Jack Gilstrap brushing his horse Mike and Chris Quiet sleeping horses - Gypsy and Chester are happy to snooze while Steve and Debbie visit Riding on Trinity Trail Charlie Gaines on Spirit Watering horses after a ride