Sept 21, 2019 – TTPA, the City of Lucas, and the Corps are sponsoring a NPLD cleanup event to remove trash debris left by the high water when the lake flooded these past several years. We’ll be concentrating on the low spots just north of the Raptor Center, by the Lucas Rd underpass, south of Lakeview Downs, the Highland Park boatramp, and south from the HP trailhead. Lunch will be served afterwards for the volunteers at the Raptor Center’s park, with the raptors on display.

Visit for more details and to register as a cleanup volunteer.

TTPA also needs volunteers to help man the registration tables the morning of the event at the two trailheads. Contact Duke Monson if you can help.

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Gallery Snippets
Heading out Heading out Mike and Chris Steve and Debbie ride in for lunch Riding on Trinity Trail Tom Pollard relaxing after the ride