TTPA Night Trail Ride, Dinner and Raptor Presentation – Sat 11 June

It is the time of the year where we try to beat the heat and host night rides in the light of the moon at Brockdale Park. This Saturday 11 June promises to be a fun filled evening.

Where: Brockdale Trail head in Lucas, TX
When: Sat 11 June 2011
What: Dinner, Pavilion Opening Ceremony, Raptor Presentation and Evening Trail Ride

Here are the important times:
Pavilion Opening Ceremony at 5:30
Dinner: 5:45 PM – We are having a chuckwagon dinner, $5 donation Potluck – please bring a dish to share with others.
Raptor Center Presentation: 6:00 while we are eating

Ride: 7:00 Start The moon rises early and it will be nearly full so this is a great night for a evening ride. There will be moon shadows and the Brockdale South trail is open so you’ll have a lot of moonlight on the trail.

Bring your coggins, water to drink, bug spray, folding cars, a flashlight and your horse.

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Gallery Snippets
Dutch Oven Food line Firepit Kurt cooked an awesome lunch Shelly Tom Eberhart, Mike Churchill, Joan Myrthue, and Berdine Eberhart Quiet sleeping horses - Gypsy and Chester are happy to snooze while Steve and Debbie visit