Now it’s time for our annual Chili ride!!
(Note: Since the Berryman’s generously host the Chili Ride, we moved it to February to accommodate their schedule.)

DATE: Saturday, February 15th, 2014
TIME: Fine Chili dining starts sometime between 12noon and 1pm (when the Chili’s ready), official rideout afterwards!
LOCATION: Brockdale Park Trailhead

Please use this RSVP Form to let us know you plan to attend.

We’ll have a bowl or two of warm Chili and fixin’s for lunch and then those who are able to can rideout afterwards. Of course if you’d like a morning ride, you’re welcome to arrive early and head out – just get back in time for lunch!

Remember to bring your current Coggins test results for each horse and a chair to sit on!

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Gallery Snippets
Heading out Lunch time TTPATrailer Tom Eberhart, Mike Churchill, Joan Myrthue, and Berdine Eberhart Taking a break at Collin Park Riders enjoying the trail